Natural Life

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We Create Only Organic Product

Talbina (Perfect Diet)


The medicines which are suggested by prophet (peace be upon him) in every illness is

Prophet (peace be upon him) preferred barley in every illness as a food supplement known as ‘Talbina’ in HADITH.

Keeping view of all this we feel honoured to introduce a unique combination of barley with divine herbs which are recommended by prophet (peace be upon him) in different AHADITHS.

Perfect Diet is in powder form which can be used to prepare delicious porridge for every age group.

Whenever any of the companions of the Prophet were not well,, he would order a soup (Tradition Talbina-a preparation of Barley) for them, and he would make them drink the soup (Talbina). (He used to say that it would comfort the inner most part of the affected and sickness just as dust is wiped away from the face.) [Narrated ‘Aisha (radiallahu anha); Tirmidhi]

Perfect Diet

  • The answer to all your nutritional problems.
  • The source of unlimited energy The natural way to detoxify cell from all kind of microbes, germs, toxins.
  • Makes immune against stomach disorders.
  • To feel fresh, energetic, rejuvenated with increased body metabolism.
  • Takes care of your lipid problem, brings down the rising sugar level.
  • Nutritional supplement for growing children.
  • Increase mental abilities.

Direction for Preparation: Add 1 table spoon of Perfect diet to ½ cup of milk or water and make a paste. and Heat one glass of cow milk, add the paste and stir, Add Honey and make delicious porridge use as breakfast in the morning.