Stress, anxiety, nervousness, depression, workload No person today is carrying on keeping these words out of his life. Infact, most of the people are downloaded with their needs and lifestyle so much that they are left with no energy and vigor by the end of the day. Sexual behavior may be considered as a biological motive since it depends on physiological conditions and social motive as it invokes other people. It may be psychological in the sense that besides providing pleasure it may also involve agony in many difficult situation. Certain conflicts, uncertainties gives one a feel of vulnerability.
PERFECT POWER is a combination of natural herbs in powder from that enhances restoration of vitality and youthful vigor. Some of them are having properties of nerve stimulation and some of them contain a large number of aphrodisiac demulcent substances that is widely used to treat cases of impotence, seminal and other debilities.
RECOMMENDED DOSES: One teaspoon twice a day with milk.