HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE is the increase of arterial blood pressure in the body. The correct blood pressure measurements is 120/80 in persons under 50, or 140/90 in persons over ages 50.
CAUSES: There are many causes of physical as well as psychological origin.
The ones of physical origin are in general due to the presence of atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis or kidney problems (Infection), as well as the obstruction of an artery Other associated causes are: Heredity, obesity, the intake of too much salt (since sodium causes a retention of liquids), smoking, drinking wine, coffee or tea in excess and Psychological ones are nervousness and emotional imbalances. Stress or tension causes the veins to contract, becoming smaller. This provokes an increase in pressure.
The PERFECT B. P. is in power form containing combination of Divine herbs. Some of them dilate coronary vessels and improve heart circulation. They also protect calcium level, have diuretic action, reduce cholesterol from blood and some of them strengthen the nerves, controls stress and anxiety. DOSAGE: One teaspoon thrice a day.